home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "xutil.h"
- #include "lutil.h"
- #include "bread.h"
- #include "ftn.h"
- #include "rfcmsg.h"
- #include "mkrfcmsg.h"
- #include "config.h"
- extern time_t parsedate(char *,void *);
- extern char *rfcdate(time_t);
- static time_t parsefdate(char *,void *);
- static time_t parsefdate(str,now)
- char *str;
- void *now;
- {
- if ((strncasecmp(str,"Sun ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Mon ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Tue ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Wed ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Thu ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Fri ",4) == 0) ||
- (strncasecmp(str,"Sat ",4) == 0))
- str+=4;
- return parsedate(str,now);
- }
- /* 0-no more messages, 1-more messages, 2-bad file */
- int getmessage(pkt,p_from,p_to)
- FILE *pkt;
- faddr *p_from,*p_to;
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- char *subj=NULL,*orig=NULL;
- char *p,*l,*r;
- rfcmsg *kmsg=NULL,**tmsg;
- int tmp;
- faddr f,t,*o;
- int flags;
- int waskluge,badkludge;
- time_t mdate=0L;
- off_t endmsg_off,tear_off,orig_off,via_off;
- FILE *fp;
- tmsg=&kmsg;
- switch(tmp=iread(pkt))
- {
- case 0: debug(5,"zero message type - end of packet?");
- tmp=iread(pkt);
- if (feof(pkt)) return 0;
- else
- {
- loginf("Junk after the logical end of packet at %lu skipped",
- ftell(pkt));
- return 0;
- }
- case 2: break;
- default:logerr("bad message type: 0x%04x",tmp);
- return 2;
- }
- f.zone=0;
- t.zone=0;
- f.point=0;
- t.point=0;
- f.name=NULL;
- t.name=NULL;
- f.domain=NULL;
- t.domain=NULL;
- f.node=iread(pkt);
- t.node=iread(pkt);
- f.net=iread(pkt);
- t.net=iread(pkt);
- flags=iread(pkt);
- tmp=iread(pkt);
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt))
- mdate=parsefdate(buf,NULL);
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt)) logerr("date not null-terminated");
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt))
- t.name=xstrcpy(buf);
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt)) logerr("toname not null-terminated");
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt))
- f.name=xstrcpy(buf);
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt)) logerr("fromname not null-terminated");
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt))
- subj=xstrcpy(buf);
- if (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt)) logerr("subj not null-terminated");
- f.zone=p_from->zone;
- t.zone=p_to->zone;
- debug(5,"message from %s",ascfnode(&f,0x7f));
- debug(5,"message to %s",ascfnode(&t,0x7f));
- debug(5,"message subj \"%s\"",subj);
- debug(5,"message date \"%s\"",rfcdate(mdate));
- tear_off=0L;
- orig_off=0L;
- via_off=0L;
- waskluge=0;
- if ((fp=tmpfile()) == NULL)
- {
- logerr("$unable to open temporary file");
- return 3;
- }
- while (aread(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,pkt))
- if ((buf[0] == '\1') ||
- !strncmp(buf,"AREA:",5) ||
- !strncmp(buf,"SEEN-BY",7)) /* This is a kluge line */
- {
- waskluge=1;
- badkludge=0;
- if (buf[0] == '\1') l=buf+1;
- else l=buf;
- if (*l == '\n') badkludge=1;
- else while (isspace(*l)) l++;
- for (p=l;*p;p++)
- if ((*p != '\n') && !isprint(*p)) badkludge=1;
- p=strchr(l,':');
- r=strchr(l,' ');
- if (p && (!r || (r > p))) r=p;
- if (r == NULL) badkludge=1;
- *tmsg=(rfcmsg *)xmalloc(sizeof(rfcmsg));
- (*tmsg)->next=NULL;
- if (badkludge)
- {
- (*tmsg)->key=xstrcpy("KLUDGE");
- p=printable(l,0);
- r=p+strlen(p)-2;
- if (strcmp(r,"\\n") == 0)
- {
- *r++='\n';
- *r='\0';
- }
- (*tmsg)->val=xstrcpy(p);
- }
- else
- {
- *r++='\0';
- while (isspace(*r)) r++;
- (*tmsg)->key=xstrcpy(l);
- (*tmsg)->val=xstrcpy(r);
- }
- tmsg=&((*tmsg)->next);
- if (!strcmp(l,"Via") && (via_off == 0L))
- {
- via_off=ftell(fp);
- debug(5,"^AVia \"%s\" at offset %ld",buf,via_off);
- }
- }
- else /* this is not a kludge line */
- {
- if (waskluge && (isspace(buf[0])))
- fputs("\n",fp); /* first body line is not RFC hdr */
- waskluge=0;
- if (!strncmp(buf,"---",3) && (buf[3] != '-'))
- {
- tear_off=ftell(fp);
- debug(5,"tearline \"%s\" at offset %ld",buf,tear_off);
- }
- else if (!strncmp(buf," * Origin:",10))
- {
- orig_off=ftell(fp);
- debug(5,"origin \"%s\" at offset %ld",buf,orig_off);
- p=buf+10;
- while (*p == ' ') p++;
- if ((l=strrchr(p,'(')) && (r=strrchr(p,')')) &&
- (l < r))
- {
- *l='\0';
- *r='\0';
- l++;
- if ((o=parsefnode(l)))
- {
- f.point=o->point;
- f.node=o->node;
- f.net=o->net;
- f.zone=o->zone;
- if (o->domain) f.domain=o->domain;
- o->domain=NULL;
- tidy_faddr(o);
- debug(5,"Origin from: %s",
- ascfnode(&f,0x7f));
- }
- }
- else if (*(l=p+strlen(p)-1) == '\n') *l='\0';
- for (l=p+strlen(p)-1;*l == ' ';l--) *l='\0';
- orig=xstrcpy(p);
- }
- fputs(buf,fp);
- }
- endmsg_off=ftell(fp);
- if ((tear_off) && (tear_off < endmsg_off)) endmsg_off=tear_off;
- if ((orig_off) && (orig_off < endmsg_off)) endmsg_off=orig_off;
- if ((via_off) && (via_off < endmsg_off)) endmsg_off=via_off;
- debug(5,"end message offset %ld",endmsg_off);
- rewind(fp);
- mkrfcmsg(&f,&t,subj,orig,mdate,flags,fp,endmsg_off,kmsg);
- fclose(fp);
- tidyrfc(kmsg);
- if(f.name) free(f.name); f.name=NULL;
- if(t.name) free(t.name); t.name=NULL;
- if(f.domain) free(f.domain); f.domain=NULL;
- if(t.domain) free(t.domain); t.domain=NULL;
- if (feof(pkt) || ferror(pkt))
- {
- logerr("Unexpected end of packet");
- return 2;
- }
- return 1;
- }